Primary Antibodies

Adenovirus Fiber (Monomer and Trimer) Ab-4 (Clone 4D2)

Adenovirus capsid proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported to the nucleus for assembly into the virus particles.


Host: Mouse

Clone: 4D2

Isotope: IgG2a/ k

Species Reactivity: Adenovirus

Epitope: N-terminus, probably the first 17aa

Immunogen: UV-irradiated Ad2 virus

Molecular Weight: 62kDa (monomer) and 180-200kDa (trimer

Positive Control: Adenovirus infected cells and tissues

Localization: Nuclear

Application: IF, WB

Purification Method: Protein A chromatography


SKU RegulatoryStatus Format Volume Action
MS-1027-P1: Adenovirus RUO Purified Ab with BSA and Azide 0.5 ml Request a Quote


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